Saturday, March 15, 2014

K22 Ronsard Inline

A good friend showed me Ronsard Crystal on page 68 of Dan X. Solo's Moderne Alphabets: 100 Complete Fonts published by Dover Publications in 1999. 

I was not interested in the font but I was told that it has not been digitized. It was only after doing everything on the Solo specimen when I learned about the Red Rooster take on Ronsard Crystal. I went looking for more specimen sheets of the font and saw a MyFonts listing included in the search result. I should have done a search before doing the font. 

Aside from Red Rooster's, Vista Bill also told me that Castcraft Software, Inc. released their version, Opti Ronsard Crystal, in the early 1990s. Unlike other Castcraft fonts, Opti Ronsard Crystal was cleanly done. Castcraft is no longer in business and their commercial fonts are found in free font archives.

Well... what's done is done. It is a waste of time and effort to just trash what had already been done so I decided to expand the character set a little and made an effort to complete the accents. However, there was no attempt to copy how Red Rooster did their font. I did not retain the name of the original font but instead used K22 Ronsard Inline so as not to confuse my font with that of Red Rooster. 

The finished font, in both True Type and Open Type, was made available to a very select few early this year. I was not prepared to do an uncontrolled public release because of the circumstances. that is, until today. 

By downloading the font, you agree to use the font for personal, private and non-commercial purposes only. You also agree that you will not make the font available for download from any web site and/or upload the font to font archives without my expressed and written permission. 

Download K22 Ronsard Inline: Mirror1  or Mirror2

I am requesting you to link to this web page ( instead of directly linking to the font download -- please do not hotlink my download. 

And if you are interested in my fonts, you will find almost all of them at ABFonts and OFFSite. I also made available some of my fonts at Dafont and Fontspace. If you happen to find my fonts in other font archives, I did not upload my fonts there and those sites probably stole their content from the sites I linked to. You are solely responsible if you download a virus instead of a font from those unscrupulous sites masquerading as font archives.

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